“Cpt” Doug Burns
Facilities Mgr/ Bus
“Helping the students learn gives me a sense of accomplishment and a love for them. Even though I may be behind the scenes, I feel that the whole learning atmosphere includes having an environment suitable for that purpose.”
AS, Fire Science, Utah Valley Community College
BA, Public Administration/Emergency Management, Utah Valley University
Previous Experience:
Retired Captain with Park City Fire District. Served over thirty-five years. (This is why the students call me ‘Captain’)
Driver and instructor for fire apparatus and school busses.
Washington County Emergency Management where I taught citizens ways to become prepared for all types of emergencies. Helped existing agencies (fire, police, EMS) with their needs.
Fire Code inspector
Owner/operator Burns Machine (machinist).
Owner/operator Holiday Boats (house boat rebuild, maintenance, and repair).
Professional Affiliations:
Wildfire Planning Section Chief, State of Utah
Citizen Corp representative for Utah’s Southwest Region (five counties)