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Faculty & Staff


Office 104 – Rm. 208
[email protected]

Chris Andrus

Dean of Students

Education is genuinely and passionately part of who I am as a person. Having my life immersed in THSA for a decade has been a major factor in that experience. The opportunity to grow with, be pushed by and learn from some of the most dedicated educators and most teachable students on the planet, in one of the most brilliantly formed corners on it, is why I am here. I believe that culture done the right way, with the right motives and the right people, is one of the most rare and epic experiences to be a part of in life and we have that in spades here.


Dixie State University – St George, UT
BS Computer Info. Technology, Secondary Education
Lamar University – Beaumont, TX
M. Ed. in Educational Leadership

Professional Activity:

Utah Charter School Leaders – member
Innovative Schools Summit, Las Vegas, NV (Jul 2019)
Harvard Instructional Rounds, Cambridge, MA (Dec 2018)
High Tech High, San Diego, CA (Feb 2017)
Innovation Simple (Web Development & Marketing)
Hewlett-Packard (Product Demo)

Professional Affiliations:

Adobe Certified, Certiport Certified, Utah Foster Care Foundation

2020-21 Class Schedule

Period A DAY B DAY
1stDigital Media 1 & 2Yearbook
2ndDigital Bus / Digital BusDigital Mktg. & Dig Med 2
3rdOfficeDigital Bus / Digital Bus
4thOffice Office
5th Office Office